6 juil. 2011


Everything you must know about Vanabode!  This is the best thing ever to travel the USA for $20 a day!  Look how Vanabode can change your life!

Imagine what you would do and where you would go if I PROMISED to show you how to live a complete life with all your needs met for $20 a day? Would you head straight for a national park like Yellowstone or Glacier and hike and photograph wildlife for a month? Would you just take it easy on the fresh powder sands of Florida's pristine beach's sipping cold refreshing Mojito's? Would you hit the tables in Vegas for some exciting poker or slots followed by a mind blowing world class show? Would you dine out every night for a week on the pier in San Francisco? Would you go hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, biking, boating, surfing, skiing, or otherwise get off the grid and out of the grind for a month or two at a time?

Want to know more?  Learn how Vanabode can help you!

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